Below is the list of data that will be sent via SEEDS and where it can be located. The data fields listed below can be exported from WISEdata and imported into the district's Student Information System (SIS) to accommodate the necessary reporting.
- WISEid = Student Detail View>Student Details>WISEid
- sSEPA Begin Date - Special education data from public schools are sent to WISEdata as a separate record, the Student Special Education Program Association (sSEPA), with dates that determine which record covers a specific period of time. For most students the begin date will be the first day of the school year the student receives spec ed services - This date will be collected from the district. If the student starts mid-year it will be the date the student enrolls in the school. A new sSEPA Begin Date will be created if the previous SEPA ends and the student is continuing in special education. One reason a new sSEPA is created is because of the Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab>IEP/Service Plan Implementation date has been updated because of a meeting. Another reason a sSEPA record would have a new begin date is that a 5-year-old's education environment code updated because the student turned 6 years old.
- sSEPA End Date - Special education data from public schools is sent to WISEdata as a separate record, the Student Special Education Program Association (sSEPA), with dates that determine which record covers a specific period of time. When the data which has been sent to WISEdata is updated, an end date will be added to the first sSEPA record and a new sSEPA records will be created. A sSEPA end date will be sent if IEP/ISP is revoked or student is no longer eligible or exited = Student Detail View>Evaluation Details>Special Ed Dismiss Date OR Student Detail View>District Details>Exit District Date. SEPA dates must never overlap.
- IEP Implementation Date - The effective date of the most recent IEP = Student Detail View>Evaluation Details>IEP/Service Plan Implementation
- IEP End Date - The end date of the most recent IEP= Student Detail View>Evaluation Details>IEP/Service Plan End
- IDEA Eligibility - Boolean (i.e. True/False), identifying if a student is IDEA eligible = The below fields which make a student special ed active in SEEDS:
- Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab>Primary Disability must exist
- Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab>Does Child Have an Impairment = Yes
- Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab>Does Child Need Special Ed = Yes
- No date of the following on the Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab
- Consent Denied
- Placement Consent Revoked
- Special Ed Dismiss Date
- Refusal to Place
- No District Exit Date on the Student Detail View>District Details tab
- Last Eval Date - Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab>Evaluation Meeting Date
- FAPE School - Student Detail View>District Details tab>FAPE School
- Special Education Setting - Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab>Education Environment
- WI DPI Student Special Education Program Association Disabilities – Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab>Primary Impairment and Secondary Impairments
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