Click below to Advance to a Section
Adding A New Form to an Event
Before creating a new form, check to make sure the form needed is not in the list of forms on the Student Detail View. If it doesn't exist, click on the Create Form button.
Select the form from the drop-down list. If the forms contain information addressed directly to the parent or guardian, the form will also have an AS (Adult Student) version. The AS version will address the student directly, rather than the parent, and can be used for students 18 and older.
The forms options are specific to the type of event selected. For example, forms that start with A- (assessment) are found in the Initial and Re-Evaluation events.
Updating an Existing Form
Search for the student either by entering their last name in the search field on the Dashboard, or by clicking Students on the top navigation; select a district and click view by the student's name. Then click on Edit by the form to update. Forms from previous years, with a few exceptions, are read-only and may be viewed in V3.
Form Features
Data will prefill from form to form when the forms are created in order. For example, the IEP participants added to the I-1 Invite will prefill on the I-2 Cover Sheet.
- Information from the Student Detail View prefills onto the forms. A snapshot of the student detail view data is taken and prefills onto all the forms in an event. *If the information on the student detail view is updated and needs to be updated on the existing forms, click the checkbox next to "Apply changes to current event" on the student detail view.
- “Dear” prefills from the Student Detail View>Parent/Guardian Details tab.
- “Other” indicates any other guardian who may be invited.
- Time field allows the time to be selected from the clock.
- Date field options allow the date to be selected from a calendar picker.
- Add location of the meeting
- Indicate if the meeting is virtual, and add a virtual URL if needed.
- The Add Another link will add another set of fields for IEP Participants.
- The X will remove the row of data.
- Prefills for contact information can be added under Toolbox>Settings/Preferences>Contacts. Once the contacts are added, they will be in the drop down Contacts options to select.
- Use this space to add any other information or options that were considered when scheduling.
Save/Print Options on the Bottom of Forms
- Check this box to open the Print Preview after selecting one of the button options.
- Save as Draft will save the form as a draft. The word DRAFT will show as a watermark on the form when printed. No validations will appear when Saved as Draft. Clicking Save as Draft will return the user to the Student Detail View.
- Save as Final will require that all the required fields are filled in. Fields will turn red and validation error messages will appear at the bottom of the screen if all validated parts of the form are not completed correctly. NOTE: Clicking Save as Final will require that all validation errors are corrected before the form will save. Save as Final only saves if there are no validations errors. When the form has successfully Saved as Final, the user will be returned to Student Detail View.
- Save in Progress is a historical button that was used prior to SEEDS forms changing. While it still appears on forms, it is best to avoid this button. Instead, use Save as Draft (when brainstorming or still in edit mode) and Save as Final (when ready to correct all of the validations).
- Cancel will return the form to the status it was when it was opened.
- Print Preview will open the print view of the form.
- Back to Top will shift the view of the form to the top of that form.
Forms with Additional Features
A- 6 IEP Team Evaluation Report including Eligibility Determination
On the A-6, Section III, the eligibility checklist(s) can be created for a suspected impairment by:
- Checking the disability in question 3
- Check Create Checklist in question 4
When the form is submitted, there will be an eligibility checklist for the impairment(s) selected. The checklist will then need to be completed.
Creating Multiple Copies of a Form for Participants
- Shortcut for creating the I-1S, student invite. The I-1S will auto-fill with information from the I-1.
- “Dear” prefills from the Student Detail View>Parent/Guardian Details tab.
- “Other” indicates any other guardian who may be invited and is not listed on the Student Detail View.
I-3 Testing Accommodations
Section III of the I-3 IEP has the DPI allowed accommodations for assessments. If Accommodations Necessary is yes, the accommodation categories will show.
- Accommodation - click on the necessary accommodations
- Category- click on the plus sign to expand the category of the accommodations
- Copy Selected Forward Wisconsin Accommodations to Supplemental Aids & Services in Section V. - to prefill the selected accommodations to Section V, Supplemental Aids and Services of the I-3 IEP, click the checkbox. The Amount, Frequency, Location and Duration will have to be added to Section V.
Linking Sections on the I-3 IEP
The I-3 IEP form supports the connecting sections of the IEP, as instructed by DPI, to show the linking of student need to the goals and services provided. These functions continue to prefill throughout the form.
The Disability Related Needs (tab II on the I-3) is the first part of the “linking” process. It must be filled out for the Disability Related Needs to show in the IV. Goals and Objectives tab. You can add Disability Related Needs while working on the IEP, and the new needs will populate once the form is saved (either by the save functions at the bottom or by moving between tabs).
Goals and Objectives
The Disability-Related Needs will then populate above each goal that is created so the staff can select as many needs that relate to that specific goal.
Special Education/Specially Designed Instruction
Once the Goal Title has been completed for each goal (see picture above), the Goal Title will populate to the Program Summary tab. Each table within the Specially Designed Instruction chart will have an additional column to link the Related Goals and Unselected Disability Related Needs. Multiple goals or needs can be chosen for each service. Only the Disability Related Needs that have NOT been connected to a goal will carry over to this section.
Progress Report Options
I-3-P-IEP Goal Progress - Progress Monitoring
There is a progress monitoring tool available in the I-3P - IEP Goal Progress form. When Progress Monitoring is selected in question C (see above), the goal or objective to monitor will show in Tab II of I-3P.
I-3-S2 - PTP IEP Subform - Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) Login
- This link will take the user to the WAMS login page in order to enter PTP information.
- This space is for the student’s PTP number (found on the WAMS page).
- This space can be used to upload the completed PTP.
S-22 Child Outcomes Form
- This link will take the user to the WAMS login page.
- This space can be used to upload the final draft of the Outcomes form.
Data Collection Form
The Data Collection form is a tool in SEEDS to inform the administrative personnel of the changes which need to take place regarding the student’s placement, services, dismissal, impairments, the physical location of the education program, environmental codes or other changes noted from the IEP/Placement meeting. Most of the data on the form will prefill from the existing forms.
The Educational Environment calculator (tab I) can be used to determine the amount of time the student spends in general education. This calculator will give the < 5-year-old codes for a 5-year-old student and then offer another calculator to determine the >6 codes and automatically update it on the child's 6th birthday.
- After the data on the data collection form is verified, there is an Update Student Information Form checkbox, available by permission, to update the Student Detail View with the data collected on this form.
IEP Checklist
The IEP Checklist is a form to verify the data on the IEP is accurate for DPI's Self Assessment.
The print version of the forms are in .pdf format. The computer will require an updated .pdf reader to open them. Print view are pop-ups; make sure SEEDS4Schools is allowed as a trusted site in the browser settings.
- Click the checkbox of the forms to print. NOTE: The check mark will disappear when you click “Print Preview.”
- Click the Print Preview button- this will bring up the form to print.
- Select All Sections to print the entire document, or By Section to print individual sections.
- Click the Continue button to print a preview to a .pdf version.
Click on the Printer icon
Select the printer and other options as needed. This is where there is an option to print selected pages of a document.
Emailing Forms
- Click the checkbox of the forms to email. NOTE: The check mark will disappear when you click “Email.”
- Click the Email button.
- Select All Sections to print the entire document, or By Section to email individual sections.
Fill out the Email Form in the overlay and click SEND.
Deleting a Form (available by permission)
- Select the form(s) to be deleted.
- Click on the Delete button.
- Select if the form will be Archived or Deleted. *Access to Archive and Delete is based on user permissions.
The form will be moved to the Deleted Forms view.
NOTE: Forms which are Deleted by users who have the Full Delete permission are not able to be restored.
- Click on the Deleted Forms view.
- Click on the Restore link. *Access to restore archived forms is based on user permissions.
Note: Forms which are deleted by users who have the Full Delete permission are not able to be restored.
Copy Forms (available by permission)
- Select the form(s) to be copied. The form must be in final draft format to be copied.
- Click on the Copy button.
Select Existing Event to copy the selected forms into an existing event.
Select New Event and the event type to copy the selected forms into a new event.
Move Forms (available by permission)
This feature allows forms to be moved to a different event.
- Select the form(s) which are to be moved.
- Click on the Move button.
- Select the event from the dropdown menu.
- Click the Move button.
Copy & Paste
Use the copy and paste icons to transfer data between documents. This feature can be used between IEP documents or other word processing documents.
First, open both documents that you want to work within the edit view or the view from previous years forms
• To open another document in SEEDS4Schools, while in the document you are currently viewing, open a new browser window (note: opening 2 tabs in the same browser will not work)
• Open the document (in edit or view) that you would like to copy or paste from
• Start with the text you wish to copy, place the cursor in the text field, and highlight the text by dragging the mouse across the text, go to the edit menu and select copy (or the shortcut is Ctrl + C)
• Select the document where you want to paste to
1. Click the Paste as Plain Text icon.
2. Place the cursor in the text area and paste (shortcut is Ctrl + V). There could be a over-lay window which pops up. If it does, paste into that.
To remove code which might be causing formatting problems, click in the text area:
3. Select all icon - to select all the data in the text area.
4. Remove format icon - click on the eraser to remove formatting. A word of caution, this will remove tables and other formatting such as bold, italic etc.
Copy/Paste Recommendations link
Creating Tables
Click on the table icon in the text editor toolbar. The table properties overlay will pop-up. Make sure the table width is less than 100%.
Spell Check
SEEDS no longer has spell check because it is available on most browsers.
To turn Chrome spell check on and off:
1. Go to Google Chrome Settings.
2. Click Advanced. Languages.
3. To the right of “Spell check,” turn it on or off.
Spanish Translation
Some forms now have the option to add a translation of the data which has been added. To add the translation option to a form, go to the student's Student Detail View>Student Details tab, and select English and Spanish for the Background>Make Forms Available in? question.
The edit view of the forms will offer a green Español option below is text box/editor to add the translated text to.
When the form is printed it will offer three options to print:
Form Locking/Unlocking
Click here for the Form Locking/Unlocking article.
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