SEEDS is EdFi certified and can share special education data with WISEdata.
Here is information about Starting Up WISEdata Integration in SEEDS.
Click below to advance to a section:
What is Ed-Fi in relation to SEEDS?
What student data needs to be in place prior to sending data?
Special Education Data shared from SEEDS
Be Prepared - Export of Student Data
What is Ed-Fi in relation to SEEDS?
The "WISEdata Ed-Fi Integration" project replaces individual legacy collection systems (ISES, CWCS, etc.) with a cohesive interoperability collection framework.
Ed-Fi technology has standards for data that make sharing data between two systems (i.e. SEEDS and WISEdata) possible. On February 16, 2017, DPI rolled out a process to accept Special Education data from a vendor other than the district’s student information system. On July 14, 2017, SEEDS became Ed-Fi certified.
How to sign up my district?
- Special Education data must be sent from the SIS or SEEDS, in other words, it can not be sent from the SIS and then from SEEDS in the same year.
- The district turns off the sharing of special education data from their SIS.
- Note: The district may need to leave the sharing of special education on in the SIS for previous years to correct outstanding special education errors in WISEdata which were sent from the SIS.
- The district selects SEEDS as their 3rd party special education data vendor in WISEdata>Secure Home>Ed-Fi Credentials. This can be done later in July.
- The district grants the "Create/Edit" WISEdata permission to a SEEDS admin user under Users Database.
What student data needs to be in place prior to sending data?
- DPI sends the credentials to SEEDS after the district selects SEEDS as their 3rd party special education data vendor. These credentials allow SEEDS to share the district's special education data with WISEdata.
- A WISEid must exist for each student. The Export of Student Data report is a great tool to find which student(s) need a WISEid.
- The student's Placement School/School of Attendance or the FAPE District/School must match the school (SSA) the student is associated with in WISEdata. The Export of Student Data report is a great tool to find which school the student is associated with in SEEDS.
Be Prepared - Export of Student Data
A great way to see what data will be sent to WISEdata is to use the Reports>Export of Student Data Report and pull the below fields.
- WISEid
- Placement School/
School of Attendance - FAPE District
- FAPE School
- Primary Disability
- Evaluation Meeting
- IEP/SP Implementation Date
- IEP/SP Plan End Date
- All Secondary Disabilities
- Education Environment
Look at and verify the data in the report prior to sending it.
The data will send at 4:00 PM on the Toolbox>WISEdata Settings>Scheduled Run date and results will be emailed.
DPI Resource: Special Education Data Reporting FAQ & Use Cases
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