Student Search
Before adding a new student to SEEDS4Schools, search for the student using the Advanced Search from the Dashboard.
*NOTE: Searching from the Dashboard icon will search ALL students in SEEDS who are available. Searching from Students icon will only search within your District.
There is an Advanced Search when you click on the Students icon. If you are trying to find a student to Activate them from another District, use the Dashboard Search.
- Student Last Name AND Student's Date of Birth (Yellow highlights in the picture above)
- Student's WISEid (Blue highlight in the picture above)
NOTE: After searching for a student from the Dashboard, the search result will automatically move a user to the Student icon, which means that any additional searches will only take place in the user's District. In order to search all students in SEEDS again, click on Dashboard.
The image below shows the pop-up which will display when the Activate link is clicked on.
The four highlighted fields above are required when activating a student into the district:
- New District of Residence (required) - The district where the student resides, or lays their head.
- Resident School - The school the student would attend according to their address.
- New District of Placement (required) - The district where the student attends.
- Placement School/School of Attendance (required) - The school the student attends.
- Start Date in New District (required) - The first day the student attends the district.
- Open Enrollment - More questions will show when Yes is selected.
- Private School Student- More questions will show when Yes is selected.
- Submit - to complete the Activate process.
There are four reasons to inactivate a student and the reasons will display when the gray Activate/Inactivate button, on the student's Student Detail View, is hovered over. The reasons are:
- Student is physically moving out of the district
- Student is graduating
- Student has reached maximum age
- Student is deceased
All of the student's enrollments must have an Enrollment End Date added prior to inactivating the student or SEEDS will not allow the student to be inactivated.
The student's enrollments can be viewed on the Enrollment tab of the Student Detail View. Click on the name of the class or itinerant service and it will take you to the enrollment page where an enrollment end date can be added to that student's enrollment.
After all the enrollments for the student have an end date and all paperwork is finalized, the student can be inactivated. Once the student is inactivated, the district will no longer have access to that student unless the reason for the in-activation was maxed age, graduation or death.
The image below shows the pop-up which will display when Inactivate is clicked on the Student Detail View. Complete the following steps:
- Click End Current District
- Select the DPI exit reason (must match the District's Student Information System)
- Select continuing district if known
- Select date the student exited the current district
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