All districts must send their Timely Initial Evaluation (TIE) records through SEEDS. Please read the instructions below for more information about how to send TIE records in SEEDS.
The TIE (Indicator 11) pilot started in 2022-23. The pilot period has ended. DPI shared this update on 3/28/24:
Here is DPI language about this update:
In order to reduce local educational agency (LEA) staff time and effort, DPI is phasing out the use of the Indicator 11: Timely Initial Evaluations application (Special Education Portal). Instead, DPI will snapshot Indicator 11 from data submitted by LEAs into WISEdata. In the past, only LEAs “in cycle” were required to submit data in any given year. In contrast and moving forward, this will be a data element submitted by all LEAs through WISEdata. In order to ensure that the data is valid and reliable, please note the following:
- All students who are evaluated for special education must have a WISEid (for children below compulsory school age or parentally placed in private or home-based schooling, see
- Beginning immediately, all data element fields must contain valid data or will be found to be in error (not warning) status
- Note: This data will NOT be included in the upcoming May 21 Spring Demographics snapshot; it will be snapped for the first time in December 2024.
TIE Record Location in SEEDS
The TIE records are available under Toolbox>Timely Initial Eval (TIE).
Initial Events Create TIE Records
Creating an Initial Event for a student in SEEDS will trigger a TIE record to be created for the student, provided the student has a WISEid in SEEDS.
NOTE: Districts must manually send the TIE record. See instructions below for sending a TIE record.
Form Information Pulled into TIE Records
The below forms For School District Use Only section's Consent Signed date will prefill into the TIE record if Consent Granted is selected. Consent Denied will stop the process for the TIE record.
- A-3 (or A-3AS) - Notice and Consent Regarding Need to Conduct Additional Assessments
A-4 (or A-4AS) - Notice That No Additional Assessments are Needed
- The A-6 - IEP Team Evaluation Report including Eligibility Determination form's Meeting Date will prefill to the TIE record.
Sending TIE Records
A TIE record is automatically generated when an Initial Event is created for a student if the student has a WISEid in SEEDS. Districts must press the SEND button in order to send the TIE record to WISE.
- Consent to Eval Received Date prefilled from the A-3's Consent Received.
- Eligibility Determination Date prefilled from the A-6 Meeting Date.
- 60 Calendar Days is auto calculated between the above listed dates.
- Evaluation Complete Indicator - this needs to be manually selected Yes or No.
- If the 60 Calendar Days is >60, then either (but NOT both) a Eval Delay Reason Description needs to be manually selected OR
- An Eval Late Reason manually added.
- Sped Eligible must be manually selected.
Tie Status
- Sent
- Unsent
- Save the record.
- Send the record to WISEdata. NOTE: The Send button will not show up unless there is a Consent to Eval date.
- Delete the record.
- Add a new record.
Manually Adding a TIE Record.
If a student does not have a WISEid entered when the Initial Event is created, a TIE record will not be automatically generated.
To manually add a TIE record, complete the following steps.
- Go to TIE records.
- Enter the District, School, and WISEid for the student.
- Choose "Show All" for TIE Status.
- Click Search.
The "Add" button will appear under the search fields.
If you add the WISEid to the Student Detail View after the Initial event has been created, then click "Apply Changes to Current Event" at the bottom of the Student tab, a TIE record will be created.
SEORA Records
Student Education Organization Responsibility Association (SEORA) is a series of required fields, namely a student’s WISEid and a School ID, used to indicate the agency responsible for conducting the initial special education evaluation, as well as the begin and end dates of that responsibility.
In order to send a TIE record from SEEDS, students must first have one of the following entered into the SIS and sent to WISE:
- Students ages 3-21 need an enrollment record (/studentSchoolAssociation) which can only be created for students 3-21 years old.
- Unenrolled students need a SEORA record. Unenrolled students include a child who is below compulsory school age, parentally placed in a private school, or receiving home-based education need
Unenrolled children requiring data submission will need SEORA (a responsibility record) as an alternative record to the enrollment record because data submission must be connected to a student record. The responsibility record that stands in place of an enrollment record until an enrollment record can be created. All SEORA records require a Student Unique ID, which must be a WISEid.
Information regarding sending TIE Data for different scenarios:
Student is homeschooled:
- Sending a school-aged student whose evaluation is completed, but the student is homeschooled and not enrolled at the LEA
- When parents provide consent for evaluation and the evaluation is completed for homeschooled student, then the district where the homeschooled student resides submits a TIE record.
This student would not have an enrollment with the school, the LEA needs to create a student WISEid and submit /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) in order to be authorized to post a TIE record. The SEORA is sent to WISE from the SIS.
Private School Student:
- When parents provide consent for evaluation and the student is enrolled in a private school, then the district where the private student resides submits a TIE record.
- NOTE: if the private school that is located outside of the resident district, then the district in which the private school is located will complete the evaluation and would complete the Indicator 11 reporting.
- This student would not have an enrollment with the school, the LEA needs to create a student WISEid and submit /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) in order to be authorized to post a TIE record. The SEORA is sent to WISE from the SIS.
Student below compulsory school attendance age (0-3):
- Districts will need to request a WISEid for students in order to send TIE records, even if the student does not qualify.
- Districts can request a WISEid from their SIS vendor.
- This student would not have an enrollment with the school, the LEA needs to create a student WISEid and submit /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation (SEORA) in order to be authorized to post a TIE record. The SEORA is sent to WISE from the SIS.
County school Evaluations: Sending a student below compulsory school attendance age whose evaluation is completed by county school for under three years of age program.
- No TIE record needs to be sent
Transfer Students where previous LEA completed Eval:
- When a student transfers from LEA A, who completed the evaluation, to another LEA B, then LEA A submits the TIE record.
School-aged student whose evaluation process was not completed:
- Sending a school-aged student whose evaluation process was not completed in LEA A, then the student moved to LEA B to continue the evaluation. The student is enrolled in LEA B.
LEA A does NOT submit a TIE record. The record can be deleted.
- LEA B submits the TIE record.
Consent Revoked
- Sending a school-aged student whose evaluation process was not completed, and the parent stops the evaluation (revoked consent or transferred to another LEA)
When the LEA receives parental consent for initial evaluation, they must submit a SSEPEA record.
However, when the parent stops the evaluation process (revoke content or transfer the student before evaluation is completed), then the LEA must delete SSEPEA record submitted."
Consent is received in spring/early summer, but the eligibility is determined the following school year
- The reporting year is based on when the 60 calendar day timeline begins (July 1, YY through June 30, YY+1).
- The Consent to Eval Received date will drive the school year of the TIE.
- The school year is 7/1 until 6/30. This means that if a Consent to Eval received date is 6/22/23, and the evaluation is completed on 7/22/23, the TIE record should be sent in the 22/23 school year.
- The School year can be changed at the top right corner of the SEEDS screen.
Sending multiple eligibility in the same school year and same LEA
- If a student is found ineligible the first time, then the LEA may send a second evaluation. However, there can’t be an overlap in the initial evaluation process from the same LEA.
- DPI will use the eligibilityDeterminationDate to check for overlapping SSEPEA records."
TIE record sent accidentally with incorrect information
- TIE records operate the same as SEPA records in that they can be updated and resent as necessary if incorrect data was sent.
- To remove a record from WISE, enter the school, WISEid, and search for the student. You will see an option to "Delete from WISE." This will remove the extra record in WISE.
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