Users Database
User Database can now be found under the Toolbox.
User Database has been updated to V4. Access to User Database is by permission only. In the User Database, you will find all user permissions, activating/inactivating users, and emailing SEEDS login information.
Prior to Adding New Users
Before a new user is added, it is best practice to first search ALL Inactive Users.
- If the user already has a SEEDS account, Activate the user and Edit the user's permissions.
- If the user has shared that they have a current, Active, SEEDS account, submit a Help Ticket. SEEDS Support will add the new district to the current account.
Edit/Activate/Inactive User
- Edit: Click on edit to edit a user’s permissions.
- Inactivate: Click on Inactivate to inactivate a user. This will stop the user from being able to access SEEDS. This could be used when a user no longer works in your district and does not need access to students in your district.
- Activate: Click on Activate to activate a user. This will allow the user to have access to SEEDS. Users may need to be edited when activated, depending on what their previous permissions were prior to inactivation.
User Database - Main Page Features
- SEEDS4Schools Customers: Displays districts that you have permission to access.
- Status Filter: Active, Inactive, or All: Use this feature to search for Users. Reminder- Always search for a user prior to adding them.
- Add User: Add a new user who has never used SEEDS before.
- Find Staff…: Search for staff who may have used SEEDS before.
- Show User Names: Check this box to display user names for all users in the user list.
- Show Tracking Information: Check this box to display tracking information, including date user was created, how many logins the user has, and the last login of the user.
- Email Login Info to Users: After checking boxes next to the user, click this button to email the user their login information. This button is also at the bottom of the list. Multiple users can be selected at the same time.
Adding a User
Click on the green Add User button
- SEEDS4Schools Customer: Select which district or CESA with which to associate the user.
- First Name: Add user’s first name.
- Last Name: Add user’s last name.
- Title: Select from the drop down list the user’s title.
- Email: Add the user’s email address. Note- A green checkmark will appear if the email address is available. If the email address is already in use, a validation message will appear.
- Google Account: Add Google account information (if applicable)
- User Name: Add user name. Note- A green checkmark will appear if the user name is available. If the user name is already in use, a validation message will appear.
- Password: A random password will be created for the first time the user logs in.
- Email User Login Information: This box is grayed out and is no longer active. It will be removed in the 2024/2025 school year. Users will click on "Forgot Password" on the login screen of Student Services in order to get password information.
- User Level: Click the button associated with the level of permission that the user will have in User Database. Note: The permission levels will automatically pre-fill based on your selection of User Level. Select User or Admin for the Admin Level
Admin can:
- Delete a user if they have Users Database permissions
- Create another Admin level user if they have Users Database permissions
- Enrollments - access the Staff List
- Enrollments>Maintain Itinerant Codes
- Enrollments>Maintain Program codes
District Admin This section will prefill based on User Level, but can be edited.
1. WISEdata Settings:
Select Create/Edit if the user should be able to access WISEdata.
Select Read Only if the user should be able to read WISEdata, but not create/edit it.
Select None if the user should not have access to WISEdata.
2. District Support:
Select Create/Edit if the user will be designated as a primary district contact for help tickets and inactivate requests.
3. Users Database:
Select Create/Edit if the user should be able to access User Database and create/edit users.
Select Read Only if the user should be able to access User Database, but not edit any users.
Select Not if the user should not have access to User Database.
District Access
- All Districts: Select All districts if the user should have access to all districts available. This option is available by permission only.
- Selected Districts: Selected Districts should be used if the user should have access to only selected districts. Testing District is added as default to all new users. *Note: If a user should have access to multiple Districts, it may be necessary to submit a Help Ticket to add additional Districts.
- Selected Schools: Selected Schools should be added if the user should only have access to selected schools in the district.
*If you are selecting schools, please see note below Enrollment Section Permissions regarding how this will impact things like searching for a student or accessing a student who is marked as "Eval in Process."
Enrollment Section Permissions
1. Editing Level:
Select Create/Edit if the user should be able to create, edit and delete enrollment data and access to district-wide reporting.
Select Read Only if the user should be able to read enrollment information, but not create/edit it.
Select None if the user should not have access to enrollments.
2. Staff Access to Caseload: Add this user as an option in the drop-down options to select to add to a class or itinerant list
3. Associate staff with the following districts: Add a district if the user should be accessible when searching for staff to associate with a caseload.
4. View just students on class/itinerant list: Select this option if the user should only have access to students on their caseload.
5. View all students in district and all reports: Select this option if the user should have access to all students within the district/school, based on previous selections.
6. Access to next year’s caseload: Staff can see the student(s) on next year's class/itinerant list on July 15th. Click this box if the user can see their list prior to July 15th. This option is unchecked annually on July 15th.
7. Budget Groups: Do not select this permission without specific direction by CESA/SEEDS staff.
8. Access to Kompas Care: Select this option if the user should have access to Medicaid (Kompas Care) billing.
NOTE: If a user has "View Just Students on Class/Itinerant List" selected, it may not be necessary to also have Selected Schools listed in the District Access section. In Districts where a staff member may need to access students for testing across multiple schools, it is not recommended that Selected Schools is used. Even though a user has "View Just Students on Class/Itinerant List" selected, they will still be able to access students in the District who are marked as Eval in Process.
Student Detail View Permissions
1. Editing Level:
Select Create/Edit if the user should be able to update and add students into SEEDS.
Select Read Only if the user should be able to read information on the Student Detail View.
Select None if the user should not have access to the Student Detail View.
Select Students Limited if the user should be able to edit student address, phone number, and parent section.
2. Activate/Inactivate: Activate a student into the district, or inactivate a student out of the district due to physically moving out of the district, death, reaching maximum age, or graduation.
3. Delete Students: Ability to delete a student from a district permanently. Note: This will cause all records to be deleted as well. Not a permission to give to standard users.
4. Historical View: View the historical changes which were made to Student Detail View.
5. SEPA/TIE data: Access to WISEdata, including SEPA records and TIE records.
Forms Permissions
1. Editing Level:
Select Create/Edit if the user should be able to create and edit forms.
Select Read Only if the user should be able to read forms, but cannot edit them.
Select None if the user should not have access editing forms.
2. Copy Forms: This provides the user with the ability to copy forms into a new event when the forms are saved to final.
3. Create Form Templates: This provides the user with the ability to create the A-1 Referral Form or IEP Checklist to Word Document.
4. Data Collection Copy Button: This provides the user with access to a checkbox on the data collection form and on the S-8 Transfer form which will copy the data in the highlighted fields to the Student Detail View
5. Delete Forms and Events: This provides the user with the full delete rights which means the data is removed from the database permanently, without an option to retrieve it. Note: All users are able to archive forms. Without this permission, users can delete (archive) a form and it will go into a Deleted Forms view with the option to retrieve it.
6. Form Hold Override: This provides the user with the ability to unlock a form, and to access the edit page of a form while another user has that form locked. WARNING - The data entered most recently will be the data that saves. For example, if data is entered by User A at 4:00, but User B unlocks the form and deletes the data at 4:05, User B’s form will be saved. Use the permission with caution to avoid data loss.
7. Move Forms: This provides the user with the ability to move forms from event to event, including form(s) from the previous school year.
8. View Change Log and Access Log: This provides the user with the ability to see who has accessed and/or made changes to the form including the date and time.
9. Eval/IEP Reminder Emails: SEEDS4Schools send the user email reminders when their students' IEP/Eval meeting dates are due in 60, 40, and 14 days.
Create and Save Options
- Create and Go to Users: Create this new user and go back to the main page of all users in User Database.
- Create and Add Another: Create this new user, and then create another new user. This is a great option for when multiple users need to be created.
- Cancel: Cancel and delete all input that has been entered for this user, and go back to the main page of all users in User Database.
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