Click HERE to get to the Bugs and User Requests page.
This application shows the following:
- Known Bugs: Issues that have been reported by users or the SEEDS team.
- User Requests: Previously known as Enhancement requests, that are new ideas or improvements for SEEDS.
- Future Sprint: Tasks (bugs or requests) that have been identified for future sprints.
- Current Sprint: Tasks (bugs or requests) that the SEEDS team is working on in the current sprint.
- Fixed Bugs: Bugs that have been fixed, based on the Change Log in the Help Center.
- Released: Updates (not bugs) that have been released. This may include User Requests.
Adding a User Request
This application is a tool for our clients to post User Request ideas for SEEDS and lets other customers vote for a specific request and even expand on someone's idea. We monitor these requests closely and they help determine which enhancements make it to the development stage.
*NOTE: All requests are reviewed by the SEEDS team prior to being posted in the Portal.
Click HERE to get to the SEEDS User Requests page.
To add a request, click on Submit idea
- Add What would you like to be able to do? How would that help you?
- Where in SEEDS would the request be?
- How/why this request will benefit all users in SEEDS?
- Select a rating of How important is this to you?
- Add your Email address and submit.
After you submit your idea, your request will be reviewed and posted by the SEEDS team.
1 comment
the link for enhancements is broken
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