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SEEDS Change Log through 10-10-2019
- Bugfix for the email with login information sent to the newly added users
- Update to how the student's age is calculated
- A-2 - Notice of Receipt of Referral or Notice of Reevaluation
- Added four additional IEP Participants - Others options
- I-2 - IEP Meeting Participants Present Documentation - Cover Sheet
- Removed validation for impairment & secondary impairment
- I-1-S1 - Student Invitation to IEP Meeting
- Added the Include signature section in print version option
- I-3 IEP
- Remove the goals from the previous I-3 from printing. The plan is to have the option to print them in the print dialogue
- Question B.6. - Updated If visually impaired, to If visually blind/impaired, in print
- Question B.6. - Added N/A option
- Tab III Assessments
- Fixed the print view so Accommodations Necessary? and If yes, explain. printed
- S-10-S Notice of Changes to Service Plan Without a Service Plan Meeting
- Bugfix to save the contact's email address
- S-12AS - Adult Student Notification of Transfer of Rights (18)
- Removed validation for Dear
- S-23 - Communication Options for Families
- Update the Mediation & Facilitated IEP Intake Coordinator to match DPI's form.
- Data Collection Form
- Enrollment tab - Enable/Disable fields depending on what Service Level is selected
- Self Assessment Event
- Limit the forms auto-created to be within the last 3 years
- Spanish Translation
- Adult student forms now have the translation field options
- Removed link to student's Student Detail View if the student is no longer attached to the district
- Active Students
- Tweak to remove students who are marked Open Enrolled, Private School, and Tuition Waivered out of the district from the report
- Assessment Accommodations
- Added additional District-Wide Assessment fields to the report
- IEP Data Report
- Progress Reports/Goals - Added Child's current progress and Factors affecting lack of progress data
- IEP Planning Sheet (Classroom)
- Used primary impairment code instead of description to fix the report from wrapping to the next page
- My Class List
- Bugfix for Itinerant staff to see their caseload
- Updates to Toolbox>WISEdata Settings process to match with Ed-Fi and WISEdata v3 updates
- Updated Favicon
- Moved to a new server environment
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