The rollover feature creates new class/services in the new school year using existing enrollment data. This feature can be used either before or after the SEEDS rollover on July 15th.
Rolling Over Class Lists
Rollover can be found by going to Enrollments, choosing your District, and then clicking "Rollover Class."
Note: Only classes with students currently enrolled can be rolled over.
- Choose the Rollover Type. Existing Class will populate a Class drop-down of the class lists which already exist in the next year. New Class will bring up the option to set up a new Class Master before adding students to it.
- Add the New Class Description of the new class.
- Choose which school Year the students are being "rolled" to.
- Add the Start Date and End Date of the new class.
- Check the Rollover Enrollment Comments checkbox if the existing comments in the Enrollments should be included.
- Check the checkbox at the top of the student list to select all of the students in the list to rollover.
- Check the checkbox next to the student(s) to rollover individual students.
- If an Enrollment end date has been provided, it will show up here.
Click Rollover.
If a class is rolled over prior to the annual SEEDS rollover event, then it will be necessary to change the fiscal year in SEEDS in order to see the rolled over class lists.
Rolling Over Itinerant Lists
Prior to creating Itinerant Lists, Itinerant Codes must be set up each school year under Enrollments>Itinerant codes. The codes can be rolled over from the previous school year under Enrollments>Itinerant codes>Roll Over Services button or Itinerant Codes can be added manually in the current year.
To rollover itinerant codes:
- Go to Enrollments - Itinerant Codes.
- Check that the year is in the current year.
- Click Rollover Services.
Enter the year from the dropdown and click "Submit."
All itinerant codes will rollover from the previous year to the current year.
Note: Itinerant codes are the shell, such as "Audiology," "Speech," or "Transportation."
Itinerant Codes are not the actual itinerant lists.
To roll over the Itinerant List:
- Change the school year to the current year.
- Click on Enrollments>Itinerant Lists.
- Select an Itinerant service/staff which has the list to roll over to the new year.
- Click on Rollover Itinerant Students
- Choose the Rollover Type. Existing List will populate an Existing Itinerant List drop down of that itinerant service's itinerant lists that exist in the current or new school year. The New Service Provider option will bring up the option to set up a new itinerant list before adding students to it.
- Choose which school Year the students are being "rolled" to.
- Choose the service Provider.
- Add the default Start Date of the new list.
- Check the checkbox in the green bar next to Rollover to select all students on the existing list, or check the checkbox next to just the student(s) to be rolled over.
- Click Rollover.
The roll-over process remains in the year the class is being rolled from. To see the newly created class master/list, change the school year to the new year and look under Enrollments>Class List.
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