Contacts can be found by going to Toolbox - Settings/Preferences.
Each user in IEP4Schools must create their own Contact List. Contacts can be used for a variety of things in IEP4Schools:
- Dropdowns in forms, such as invites and cover sheets
- Default contact person at the bottom of a form
- IEP Review dropdown on tab III of the Data Collection form
Click on the gray box to show your Contact List.
Add your contacts. Each user's contacts are individual to the user. Examples of contacts that are recommended include:
- Yourself
- Administrative Assistant
- Director
- Service providers, such as Speech Language Pathologist, OT, PT, School Psychologist
- General Education Teacher
Default Contact:
One contact can be selected as the Default. This contact will show up on forms as the point of contact if parents/guardians have questions. Check with your district to find out who the recommended point of contact should be.
Data Collection Form:
In order for a contact to show up on the Data Collection form on tab III in the Review Process section, the contact must have an email address added.
Note: If no contacts have an email address added, or if a user does not have any contacts listed in Settings/Preferences, the Review Process section will not show up on the Data Collection form.
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