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Where do I find a student's SEPA data in SEEDS?
It is permission-based on the student's Student Detail View>District Details>SEPA Data link.
Why doesn't the student have the option to SEND SEPA DATA TO WISEdata?
Add the student's WISEid to their Student Details tab.
Why is our Student Information System not showing students for the October 1st Count? (error 6601)
Below is an article from DPI's Top Five questions from 11-2-18:
What is the recommendation for October 1 Child Count submissions when we use a third party special education vendor?
* If you are using a third-party special education vendor, such as SEEDS, remember that your Oct. 1 Child Count data of flagging whether or not a student meets the criteria to be counted must come from your primary SIS. There can be a bit of a sync process involved. The basic process is:
- (1) The student enrollments (SSAs) are sent from your SIS to WISEdata.
- (2) The SSAs are input into the 3rd party special education product.
- (3) The 3rd party vendor sends the student special education records (SSEPAs) to WISEdata.
- (4) The primary SIS reads the SSEPAs and sends the Oct. 1 data.
* Your primary SIS may have a job to run to complete its part of the process, or it may be a manual task. Consult your SIS vendor if you have questions or experience issues.
* Verify your data in the WISEdata Portal by using the Mass Enrollment Export and/or Oct. Child Count Export.
* More info on Oct. 1 Count Inclusion
For the student to be included in the Oct 1st count, it is a combination of the district's SIS (the student must have an enrollment) and SEEDS4Schools must have a SEPA record for the student.
The Reports>WISEdata Comparison report will show which district's special ed active students have SEPA Data. We recommend looking to see if the students have enrollment data, from the SIS, in WISEdata.
Why is the WISEdata Comparison Report blank?
The report will show data after the district has initially sent their data under Toolbox>WISEdata Settings.
What needs to be done to correct the "NO MATCH in WISEdata" note on the WISEdata Comparison report?
Verify that the Placement School/School of Attendance on the student's District Details tab matches the school the student is enrolled in in WISEdata.
Why doesn't the number of WISEdata SEPA records and the SEEDS SEPA Records match?
Research the reason by going to that student's District Details tab>SEPA Data link and click on SEND SEPA DATA TO WISEdata. The data may send which will solve the issue or SEEDS will give a message in red font as to why the data did not send.
How do I solve a WISEdata error message for a student who has moved out of the district?
Send an email to support at
How do I solve a WISEdata error message?
Data can be updated in SEEDS which will trigger the SEPA data to update.If the process does not trigger a new SEPA record, click on the SEND SEPA DATA TO WISEDATA link to send the updated data.
To remove SEPA Record click on the Begin Date of the SEPA record and then click on the REMOVE SEPA RECORD link. Sometimes it is easier to remove the record and start fresh to fix the error.
Where are the errors listed in WISEdata?
All errors in the WISEdata Portal are found under "Data Quality & Validation Results."
- Scroll down to see error hot buttons under "Validation Message Summary"
- Click on error count to view
- Each error has a "Knowledge Based Article" that explains the error, the business rule, and how to fix logic rules.
SEPA Data Troubleshooting
(length: 0:1:35 minutes)
There is more information in these WISEdata Help Articles.
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