Progress Reports are available in SEEDS in the I-3-P form.
The I-3-P is created automatically when the I-3 is created. If the I_3 is deleted/moved, the corresponding I-3-P will also be deleted/moved.
The I-3-P can be Saved to Final at any time after it is created. Editing is still available, even if the form is saved to final.
Progress Monitoring and Key for Measuring Progress
The I-3-P offers two different ways to track progress. Here is a document with additional information about Progress Monitoring and Key for Measuring Progress in the I-3-P.
Key for Measuring Progress and Progress Monitoring can be found on the I-3-P in section C.
Key for Measuring Progress:
Key for Measuring Progress is typically used for narrative reporting, including paragraphs.
When this option is selected, the user will need to enter the Frequency. By using the Add Another button, additional rows of data can be entered for each progress time period.
Progress Monitoring:
Progress Monitoring is typically used when there are multiple data points that can be shown in a graph.
When this option is selected, the user will need to select whether they will be monitoring Goals or Objectives. They will also need to complete the Frequency of the goal reporting to parents.
When Progress Monitoring is selected in Section C on the first tab, the Progress Monitoring tab becomes active:
On the Progress Monitoring tab, users will enter data as often as it is collected (e.g. weekly, bi-weekly).
Progress needs to charted on the Progress Monitoring tab. Click “Chart Objective/Goal" and add the date range for the progress and click “Create Chart.”
After clicking "Create Chart," a pop-up window will show up. All information on the pop-up window needs to be completed before the progress report will print.
Printing Progress Notes - Both Options
To print, click the checkmark next to the I-3-P and choose Print.
The Progress Monitoring Charts that are entered may or may not be printed in the progress report. To print the Progress Monitoring Charts, click the “All sections including all progress monitoring charts.”
To email, click the checkmark next to the I-3-P and choose Email.
Annual Review of Goals
The I-3 contains an Annual Review of Goals on Tab I - Question 3. Goals are pulled from previous I-3 forms, and hyperlinked.
Click on the hyperlink, and complete the information in the window.
Information added to the Annual Review of Goals in the I-3 is automatically added to the I-3-P in the previous event.
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