Expand the topics for answers to SEEDS Frequently Asked Questions
How can I copy and paste from one form to another?
Open two browser windows or copy from the print view.
Click here for copy /paste tips.
Why does formatting change when I paste data into documents?
SEEDS Copy/Paste Recommendations
Click here for a copy/paste tips document.
Copy/paste is a time saving tool which many users take advantage of. When data is copied, it brings with it coding that is happening in the background. Sometimes this coding can interfere with editing features in text areas in SEEDS.
One recommendation is to paste as plain text (the editing icon that looks like a clipboard with a blank blue page on it). This removes the coding behind the scenes and lets you edit the data with the tools available on the top of the text area. Pasting as “plain text” will also remove tables, bullets, bold, underlining and other editing features the copied data might have had.
If you prefer to create your document in Word, create the whole document in word and do all the editing in Word and paste it into SEEDS using the clip board with the “W’ on it, when it’s complete. If the data needs to be edited after it’s in SEEDS®, edit it in your Word document, and remove all the data from the text area in SEEDS® and copy and re-paste it, with the clip board with the “W” on it, back in to SEEDS after your changes have been made to the Word document.
What is important is to stay consistent, if you create it or paste it in as plain text, continue to do the editing, with the tools available in the text area, in SEEDS.
If you’ve copied it from Word, continue to use Word to do your editing. Trying to use the editing features, from SEEDS, might not work if the data was pasted in from a Word document. (unless it was pasted in as plain text)
Also, if the margins, or tables are outside the borders of the text area (this usually causes a scroll bar to appear across the bottom of the text area), it will cause the data to print off the page.
Why does it double space when I hit enter?
Enter starts a new paragraph. To single space on a web site, hit shift enter. Or just keep typing and it will wrap to the next line automatically.
Is there more information on the data that links in the IEP?
Yes, click here.
Why isn't "add another goal" working on the I-3 IEP?
When "adding another" the first text area must have text in it for the system to recognize it, to "add another" to it.
Why does it tell me "You do not have permission to copy any of the selected forms." when I know I do?
Some forms are not copyable.
Why doesn't the print view open when Print/View and Submit are chosen on the button of the form?
Could be that "Pop up" blockers are affecting it. Occasionally, a computer may have more than one "pop up" blocker working at the same time.
Why is the form locked by another user, when I know the user isn't in it?
If the user exits the program, while in a form, without returning to the Student Detail View, the form will be locked by that user. Click here for more information on form locking.
Are SEEDS forms available in Spanish?
Yes, click here to see the list of SEEDS forms. The asterisk denotes the form has the Spanish translation.
Is there a list of all SEEDS forms?
Yes, click on this link.
Is there a list of which forms are in which events?
Yes, click on this link.
How can I use the address book in my email account to email forms?
Email the form to your email address, and then use your address book to forward the form on. Or add the email address to the contacts (Toolbox>Settings/Preferences) and it will be an option in the drop down list when emailing a form.
Explain the event concept.
Think of an event as a file folder to hold all of the forms necessary for that process. Click here for a list of which forms are in each event.
Is there a comparison chart of SEEDS vs DPI forms?
Yes, click here.
The student's address has changed. How do I change it on existing forms
When an event is created, a "snapshot" of the Student Detail View is taken and that information prefills on the forms in that event. To update the student's name, address, phone, and parent/guardian information - click on the "Update Info" link next to the Create Form button or the check box at the bottom of the student detail view page you being updated.
What is the easiest way to create a Student Invite?
On the Invitation (I-1) check the "Check this box to create the I-1S form based on this one." checkbox below the "Dear" option.
Why can't two users be in the same form at the same time?
The database would not know which user's data would override the other user's data
How do I have 2 .pdfs open at the same time?
In Chrome, there is an "New Incognito Window" option, available by permission, which will allow you to have 2 .pdfs open.
How do I get dates to prefill on the data collection form?
Create and fill out the data collection last (i.e. after the other forms are created and filled out) and most of the dates will prefill.
How come sometimes my browser knows what I want to type and sometimes it doesn't?
AutoComplete is a setting which can be turned on.
Click the Chrome menu Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
Select Settings.
In Chrome:
Autofill is typically turned on by default. Follow the steps below to disable it.
Click Show advanced settings and find the "Passwords and forms" section.
Deselect the "Enable Autofill to fill out web forms in a single click" checkbox.
Download "Autofill Forms" add-on
Always check with your tech department before making changes to your school computer settings. Internet Explorer: click on Tools, Internet Options, Content tab, click on Settings in the Auto Complete section, check the “Forms” check box.
Is there a list of where data comes from when it prefills on a form?
Yes, click here.
Are there recommendations for creating tables in SEEDS?
Yes, click here .
Why is the font printing so tiny?
Tiny font can be caused for various reasons. If the data was copied from another source and pasted in, it could have formatting which needs to be removed. To remove the formatting, click in the text area and then click on the "select all" icon and then the "eraser" icon. This will remove the formatting.
A table that is too wide can also cause the font to be tiny. Click on the table, then right click and select table properties. Set the table width to be less than 100%. A row of dashes or underscores will also cause formatting issues. Replace the dashes and underscores and replace them by clicking the Horizontal Line icon.
The forms are printing weird, what's up?
It could be the computer's Adobe Reader needs to be updated. After getting approval from the district IT department click here to download the latest version.
How can I make the text area larger so I can see what I'm typing?
Some text areas have a grab bar in the lower right hand corner. To make the text area larger, left click and hold on the green triangle in the lower right hand corner of the text area and drag the box to the desired size.
Which forms can be copied from the previous school year?
I-3 IEP I-3-S9 IEP Subform - Progress Report Addendum
S-5 Student Special Transportation Plan
S-10 Services Plan
S-14 Summary of Performance
S-22 Child Outcome Summary Form
S-25 Functional Behavior Assessment
S-26 Behavior Intervention Plan
Does SEEDS have an IEP at a glance?
The IEP Data Report is even better than IEP at a glance because it allows you to select which data you would like to include in the report.
Please explain the difference between using the Copy button to copy the I-3 IEP and the I-3 IEP form being copied via a Review/Revise Event being created.
Copying the I-E IEP using the green Copy button.
The IEP must be saved as final and the new copy of the IEP will not include the following:
-Meeting date
-Assessment Data from tab III. Assessments
-Progress data from tab IV. PLAAFP, GOALS & OBJECTIVES
-Projected Date of implementation
-Written Notice of Placement Date
Creating an Interim Event will copy the latest IEP saved as final into the Interim Event will all it's data with the exception of the following:
-Meeting date
-Projected Date of implementation
-Written Notice of Placement Date
Is it possible to print one copy of the form which addresses all the participants?
Forms with the "Dear" option show check boxes to select will print a separate for each "Dear" option selected. If only one form is preferred with all the names on it, enter the names in the "Other" text box and separate them with a comma.
Did you know there is a way to create progress reports for students who do not have an IEP in SEEDS?
The I-3-S9 IEP Subform - Progress Report Addendum, which is found only under the Miscellaneous Event, allows you to enter goals and progress for a student who does not have an active I-3 in SEEDS.
Can I have two students up at the same time?
Yes, open two browser windows.
Can I print an individual label or an envelope for a student?
Yes. On the Student Detail View, there is a Print Label/Envelope link.
How can I print my classlist?
Yes, on the Dashboard "My Class List"
How do I change a student's district of residence?
Changing the student's district of residence also changes who has access to the student. To change the student's district of residence, verify there are end dates on all of the enrollments and then inactivate the student by clicking the gray activate/inactivate button on the student's Student Detail View. Then activate the student, selecting the correct district of residence and district of placement and open enrolled status if applicable.
How do I print by page?
In Internet Explorer: If you don't know which page number you need, go to File, Print Preview to get the page number. Then click on File, Print, and in the Page Range section, choose the Pages radio button and fill in the page number(s) of the page(s) you want to print in the text box and click print.
Firefox: It's similar to the above directions with the exception of clicking "OK" instead of print.
Chrome: Print>Pages and enter in the pages numbers to print
How do I search for something on a page?
Control F (Command F on a Mac) opens "Find"
I am unable to print labels. What's wrong?
Could be your "Pop-up" blockers are on. Google & Yahoo (and others you may use) toolbars may have pop-up blockers of their own, verify seeds.4schools.net pop-ups are allowed through them also. Chrome Explorer Fire Fox
When I run the Report Labels, why are they not lining up?
Some browsers use their own .pdf viewer. Try downloading or saving the labels first and if the labels line up, then it could be caused by the browsers built in .pdf viewer.
Is there a good way to see if data is missing on the Student Detail View?
Yes, use the "Export of Student Data" tool. It will show which fields are blank on the Student Detail View. The "Export of Student Data" tool is available by permission. If you do not see it under Reports ask your SEEDS administrator if you can have this permission.
Is there a list of all the districts who use SEEDS?
Yes, click HERE for the list of districts.
How do I find a student that I know is in the database, but I'm unable to locate.
Use the Advanced search on the Dashboard and search by just the student's date of birth or WISEid.
What are WISEdata exit codes and where can I find out more information on them?
Here is the DPI link explaining the codes: https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/data-elements/exit
types | reason left program reason name |
TC | Transfer to another WI school covered by WSLS. Known to be continuing. |
TNC | Transfer to a WI school not covered by WSLS. Known to be continuing. |
TOS | Transfer out-of-state. Known to be continuing. |
ETC | Expected transfer/ promotion to new school covered by WSLS. Not known to be continuing. |
OOS | Out-of-state move. Not known to be continuing. |
HSC | High school completion |
PCC | Prior Completion Credential |
DE | Death |
BCA | Below Compulsory Age |
MA | Maximum age |
ODO | Other Dropout or Possible Dropout |
What triggers a student's special education active/inactive status?
Special education active status requires:
- The student is attached (activated) to a district
- On the Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab
- There is a Primary Disability selected
- "Does Child Have an Impairment" is "Yes"
- "Does Child Need Special Ed" is "Yes"
- On the Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab
- The list below will make the student inactive:
- On the Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab
- There is not a Primary Disability selected
- "Does Child Have an Impairment" is "No"
- "Does Child Need Special Ed" is "No"
- There is a Special Ed Dismiss date
- There is a Consent Denied date
- There is a Refusal to Place date
- On the Student Detail View>District Details tab
- There is an Exit District Date
- The student has "Yes" to "Is the student home schooled?"
- On the Student Detail View>Evaluation Details tab
Which browsers must be used with SEEDS?
Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer
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